Monday, 23 February 2015

Migrating the ISAMESSO IMS Server DB

Yes! you heard it right the database of the ISAMESSO IMS server can be Copied/Migrated/Moved to a different db server.

How to do it........

Follow the steps below.

1. Have your DB Administrator move the IMS DB to the new server. Make sure that the entire DB, all tables, data, views, users and schema are copied over.
2. Make sure usernames, passwords and database schema are exactly the same on the new database.
3. In your IMS Server Configuration Utility open up the Data source
4. Your IMS Data source will show your old IMS DB info, change your IMS DB URI to point to your new DB server and click update.
5. Perform the same steps for the Log data source and update.
6. Let’s move over to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
7. Under Applications > Application Types > Websphere enterprise applications stop your TAM E-SSO IMS Server
8. Update the DB server information Resources > JDBC > Data Sources > TAM E-SSO IMS Server Data Source, you will need to change the server name for the “Common and required data source properties. 
9. Select OK
10. Save your changes
11. Restart Websphere 
12. Start your IMS Server

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Script to Delete a file using ITDI

What you have heard is correct you can delete a file from the system using TDI.

It is easy just a two lines of code is enough to delete a file using ITDI but you would need to make sure that you have the required permissions to delete the file or not.

Script to delete a file from the system 

var dirObj = new"c:\\temp\\mydir");

Note: The delete method needs to be brackets because itdi sometimes is not able to detect the referenced methods so you will need to de-reference the delete method, If not you would face a parser exception.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Changing TIM's Case insensitivity to Case Sensitivity

By Default all the attributes of a person objectclass in TIM is setup in case insensitive.
Changing the case in TIM Identity data fields doesn't not work. To reproduce: Open an existing user, change a case of one or more letters in the name (cn), surname (sn), mail or postOfficeBox. Click submit.
After the request is completed check the values. They have not changed. Issues it is causing: If HR changes case in these values for an existing user, the HR feed tries to update these values every night and never suceeds.

Can you check in the TDS web admin tool to see if these attribute values are set to case insensitive? If they are, please try changing them to 'case sensitive' and test again.
Equality is currently set to caseIgnoreMatch. So is ordering and the substring. Shall we set all to caseExact or only the equality? What side effects does this introduce?
To be frank i am not sure of this.
i have done this change and the only difference i am seeing is that my search has also become case sensitive search

If you dont want this change then the alternative would be to change your details to something that is completely different and revert back the change to old one with the case sensitive format.
Confused --- don't be --see the below example.

I have a cn called dummies i want it to be changed to DummieS
dummies change it to dummies1 and then change it to DummieS

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Getting a list of registered users in ISAM ESSO using DB.

Yes This is possible but to get the list of registered users you need to connect to the database of ESSO and run the query to get the list of users.

The information about registered IMS users is held in the table 'IMSIDENTITYUNIQUEATTRIBUTE '
Each registered user will have 4 rows in this table, link by their unique IMS ID assigned when they registered.

You can look at the information in this table by using some simple SQL queries.
Connect to your IMSDB using the tools appropriate to your Database type, eg DB2, MS SQL.

1) To see just the users EnterpriseUserName:-


2) To see just the users userPrinicalName, then use 'EnterpriseUpn' for the ATTRNAME filter in the above SQL:-


3) To see both of these value per user, the following type of SQL can be used:-

SELECT T1.imsID, T1.Ent, T2.Upn FROM
WHERE ATTRNAME = 'Enterprise Login') AS T1
WHERE ATTRNAME = 'EnterpriseUpn') AS T2
ON (T1.imsID = T2.imsID)

<SCHEMA> value will depend on your installation, eg IMSDB, DB2ADMIN, etc.
