Thursday, 7 April 2016

Assigning Read, Write Permissions to user in IBM TDS

We can assign the permissions to a user using IDSWebApp Console.
Below are the steps to give permissions for a user to login to ldap and perform activities:

1. Go to Directory management => Manage entries.  Select the suffix dc=com and click on Edit ACL.

2. On the left, click on the Non-filtered ACLs. Select the Propagate ACLs check box to allow descendants without an explicitly defined ACL to inherit from this entry. Enter the distinguished name of the lookup user ( like uid=testuser,ou=users,ou=mycom,dc=com)

3. For Type, select access-id, because this DN is a user, then select ADD

4. Assign required Permissions like grant to the Read, Write, Search, and Compare security classes.  Click OK, then OK again on the following screen to save your changes. 

Now you are good to connect to LDAP using the